Agents often have a general idea of how to generate business but struggle to take actionable steps to achieve results.
I frequently hear statements like:
“Okay, I need to connect with X number of people to reach my goals, but who exactly are these people, where do I find them, and what do I even say!?”
This scenario is all too common among coaches, trainers, and industry leaders. We tend to provide directions like:
“Making a sandwich is easy—throw some peanut butter and jelly on the bread, slap it together and voilà.”
But this leaves agents asking:
• ““Okay but where is the peanut butter located?”
• “Does it need to be organic?”
• “Which bread is best?”
• “What’s the right peanut butter-to-jelly ratio?”
The most effective leaders and teams break it down down step by step:
1. Choose your peanut butter—JIF or Peter Pan (brand and style are up to personal preference).
2. Select the bread that best complements your sandwich. Jalapeño cheese bread might not pair well with peanut butter and jelly; honey wheat could be a better choice, but again, it’s your call.
3. Grab a butter knife from the top kitchen drawer.
4. Take the strawberry jelly out of the refrigerator.
5. Spread 3 tablespoons of peanut butter on one slice of bread.
6. Spread 1 tablespoon of jelly on the other slice.
7. Press the two slices together, ensuring the peanut butter and jelly sides meet.
8. Bonus points: Cut the sandwich in half—diagonally or horizontally, whichever you prefer.
To those with years of experience, breaking something so simple into molecular steps might seem excessive. But consider the perspective of someone just starting out or struggling to gain momentum.
These individuals need clarity:
• What should I do today?
• Who should I call?
• Why am I calling them?
• What should I say?
Success in this industry begins with mastering the basics and guiding others with precision. If we want real estate to thrive, it starts with being exceptional at what we do.
If you need more guidance and specific action steps, let’s connect.
We have a FREE online community dedicated to giving you the competitive edge and daily drops of small actionable steps to increase your business and MOMENTUM!
