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Resources from Mometnum By Monica

Relatable & Relevant

Convention, Monica Burke Motivational Speaker, number 1 female speaker, momentum expert, Momentum By Monica, Speaker that moves crowds, author of power on

Power On is more than a book. When you apply the lessons Monica learned the hard way; you can rise from rock bottom to using what's meant to destroy you to create you—the person you have always dreamed of being. The building blocks of suffering, pain, abuse, grief, and abandonment can lead to life-changing and mindset-shifting habits—because inside our deepest suffering lies our greatest strengths. That's what Monica is unleashing on the world and in these pages. Now, she has done enough, learned enough, and changed enough to teach others to shortcut their pain and the learning curve to live a better life.


Want more goodness in your life1? I got you 

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